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Company Updates
By:Hayley Chesshir|Communications Specialist

2023 CSR Report

Here at Paramount Global, we have three voluntary teams that spearhead Paramount’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The focus of each team is based on three pillars: Environment, Community, and Workplace Culture.

Paramount Global Beach Cleanup 2023

2023 was our first year and we are proud of the strides made in our first year thanks to the hard work and dedication of our employees.

Following are the highlights of some of our key accomplishments:

Environment Team

The Environment team consists of ten members of the Paramount team who have volunteered to come together to lead the way in creating a more sustainable and environmentally friendly work environment and implementing greener practices into our business operations. In 2023, the Environment team made headway in the following ways:

  • Reduced our carbon footprint by implementing programs to track and reduce waste.
  • Promoted sustainability across the business by sharing infographics and blog articles on sustainability and educating employees on industry-related sustainability news.
  • Increased discussions internally by providing more education and resources on sustainability efforts.
  • Implemented a recycling program in all of our locations (3 California facilities, Washington, Utah, Arizona, and the UK).
  • Documented all company-wide sustainability efforts.
  • Reviewed criteria and identified areas to improve our bronze Ecovadis rating; our next review will take place in February.
  • Began tracking our CO2 emissions.
  • Began work on a sustainability podcast to launch in 2024.
  • In the process of developing a method for tracking our sustainable products.
  • Added sustainability options to all of our product brochures.

Community Team

The Community team also consists of ten volunteer members who have made it their mission to bring community-driven events to Paramount in support of our global and local communities. In 2023, the Community team drove Paramount to give back in the following ways:

  • We did a volunteer beach clean-up with Orange County Coastkeepers at
  • Bolsa Chica Beach. 40 Paramount staff members and their families attended,
  • and we picked up 365 pounds of trash!
  • Organized a donation drive for the Downtown Women’s Center in which we collected 16 boxes of clothing and supplies for donation.
  • Attended the Out of the Darkness Walk to raise awareness about suicide prevention.
  • Held a Paint Night fundraiser to raise funds for the Out of the Darkness Walk.
  • Arranged a holiday toy and canned food drive, giving back to the La Mirada Community.
  • Boosted a blanket drive that one of our warehouse employees does every
  • winter season.
  • Sponsored local families who needed assistance this holiday season with food, clothing, and gift purchases.

Paramount Global reps at Los Angeles Business Journal's Best Places To Work 2023 award ceremony

Workplace Culture Team

The Workplace Culture team is our largest team, consisting of fourteen members. The purpose of the Workplace Culture team is to build a healthy and collaborative workplace culture within Paramount and identify ways to improve. Being a company that works on a flex hybrid schedule, it is a priority to make sure our team doesn’t feel isolated or disconnected from their work peers when working from home. In 2023, the Workplace Culture team led Paramount to become one of the top places to work in Los Angeles for the sixth time! They also spearheaded the following internal initiatives:

  • Ensured that all employees feel valued, supported, and heard.
  • Revamped Paramount’s R.I.C.E. program. R.I.C.E. stands for Respect, Integrity, Communication, and Excellence, these are the values that every Paramount employee uses as a guide when interacting with customers and staff members alike.
  • Installed a new program that gives team members the ability to appreciate and nominate each other for our annual R.I.C.E. awards that are shared company-wide.
  • Increased our net promoter score by 2 points (current score: 42).
  • Held quarterly employee engagement activities:
    • Q1:Open house of our La Mirada headquarters after a major renovation.
    • Q2: Company-wide townhall meeting.
    • Q3: Company summer picnic for all Southern California branches and their families.
    • Q4: Company-wide townhall meeting, pumpkin decoration contest, Thanksgiving potluck, R.I.C.E. Day employee appreciation event (offices closed), and a holiday potluck & white elephant gift exchange.

One of our focuses for this year is to increase participation in events by coordinating scheduling and promoting across teams. This will help to avoid burning out our team with events and ensure that all employees have the opportunity to participate.

We are committed to continuing our efforts in these areas in 2024 and beyond. We believe that it is our responsibility to make a positive impact on the environment and the communities in which we operate. We are proud of the progress we have made, and we look forward to even greater accomplishments in the years to come.

Hayley Chesshir
Hayley Chesshir|Communications Specialist

Hayley is a marketing professional and copywriter with a background in crafting content for a diverse range of industries. She has been writing about packaging and supply chain logistics for Paramount Global since 2022. She specializes in explaining complex topics in a clear and engaging way and is an advocate for sustainability in packaging and supply chain management.

established in 1976

For over forty years, Paramount has been delivering perfectly integrated packaging and supply chain solutions.