[object Object], / ,[object Object], / ,[object Object], / ,2.5gl 38-400 Knockdown Cubitainer

#50026: 2.5 gl mix natural knockdown cubitainer 38-400

2.5gl 38-400 Knockdown Cubitainer

carousel dots

Great for beverage, lab supplies, chemicals, pharmaceutical, and other applications.




Color: ,Natural


  • Knockdown
  • Assembled

The flexiblity of either being collapsed into a 'knocked down' version to save space or being fully assembled into a box are the distinctive characteristics of a cubitainer. The lining within the cubitainer helps extend shelf life and preserve the product. The flexibility and strength makes it a popular choice for holding and transporting liquid product.

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#50026: 2.5 gl mix natural knockdown cubitainer 38-400

2.5gl 38-400 Knockdown Cubitainer

Mix, ,Natural

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