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By:Hayley Chesshir|Communications Specialist

Best Plastic Wholesale Packaging Alternatives

With the planet burdened by plastic waste and pollution, sustainability is no longer a choice.

Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious and prefer eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products. To reduce their environmental impact, many companies are switching to sustainable packaging alternatives. This not only benefits the environment but also appeals to the growing number of environmentally conscious consumers.

100 percent recyclable packaging

There are many innovative alternatives to plastic packaging available today that protect products while utilizing sustainable materials and minimizing their carbon footprint. In this article, we'll explore some of the best sustainable packaging options for your business.

The Urgent Need for Sustainable Packaging

For years, plastic has been a popular choice for packaging due to its strength, durability, lightweight, and affordability. However, it has become a global problem because traditional plastics are produced from toxic chemicals derived from non-renewable resources, and over 380 million tons of plastic is generated every year. Roughly half of that is intended for single-use purposes, meaning it is used just once but will remain in the environment for centuries. Much of this plastic waste is ocean-bound, ending up in our waterways and oceans, upsetting the ecosystems of marine life.

 plastic waste on beach

Because most plastic waste ends up in landfills, rivers, and oceans, we are in dire need of sustainable packaging solutions that reduce waste and protect the environment. Here are a few reasons why prioritizing non-plastic packaging in your company is so important:

  • Boost Brand Image and Reputation: sustainable packaging enhances your brand's image as eco-conscious and responsible, setting you apart from competitors.

  • Attract More Customers: Consumers are becoming more demanding of sustainable options, and choosing environmentally friendly packaging material can attract conscientious customers.

  • Versatility for Reuse and Recycling: Many plastic alternatives offer versatility, allowing for multiple uses and recyclability, reducing waste, and promoting sustainability.

  • Convenient Disposal: Plastic packaging alternatives can often provide convenient disposal without harsh environmental consequences, unlike plastic waste which frequently ends up polluting the environment.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Opting for environmentally responsible packaging demonstrates your company's commitment to corporate social responsibility and ethical practices.

  • Competitive Advantage and Increased Sales: Embracing sustainable packaging provides a competitive advantage and can lead to increased sales as consumers gravitate towards environmentally friendly products.

  • Reduce Carbon Footprint: Plastic free alternatives can help reduce your business's carbon footprint by promoting sustainable production and waste management practices.

5 Viable Alternatives to Plastic Packaging

Plastics are one of the biggest pollutants threatening the planet. Not only are they so often non-recyclable, but they also take decades, if not centuries, to break down. There is no time like the present to let go of plastic and embrace sustainable packaging options.

When looking for a viable alternative to plastic packaging, there are a variety of products on the market today. These products range from common plastic-free options to new materials being used for biodegradable plastics as an alternative to conventional plastics. The good news is that there has been a flood of innovative and environmentally friendly alternatives introduced to the market to address our global plastic problem. And this is a step in the right direction towards building a circular economy. Let’s take a look at some common packaging alternatives to plastic used across various industries.

1. Glass Packaging

Different sizes and styles of glass bottle packaging

Glass, with its timeless charm, is a favored alternative to plastic packaging. While it may not be biodegradable, glass is infinitely recyclable and can be reused endlessly without losing its quality. Its clear, customizable, and sleek appearance will appeal to consumers and also give your products a high-end feel. This is because glass is considered a luxurious packaging material due to its heavier weight and feel.

Additionally, glass packaging solutions are made from all-natural, non-toxic, impermeable components. This makes them safe for food, drinks, and sensitive products. There's no risk of harmful chemicals leaching into products from their glass packaging material.

2. Metal Packaging

metal bottles and tins as types of packaging samples

Metal packaging options, made from durable materials like aluminum and steel, provide an alternative to plastic packaging. Metal packaging's resistance to moisture, high temperatures, and degradation over time ensures the longevity and protection of your products.

Metal is commonly used for canned beverages and food packaging. It can maintain the nutritional integrity of the contents without contamination. Additionally, metal packaging solutions are environmentally friendly, as they are infinitely recyclable and can be reused multiple times without compromising product quality.

3. Paper & Cardboard Packaging

compostable paper tubes Paper-based packaging solutions are a great alternative to plastic packaging. They are environmentally friendly, lightweight, and flexible. Made from renewable resources, uncoated paper packaging is 100% biodegradable, breaking down much faster than plastic products. This allows for easy disposal, repurposing, and recycling, making it a more sustainable option for the environment.

Additionally, paper and cardboard packaging are highly customizable. They offer excellent printing performance, allowing companies to tailor the packaging to their branding and customers' needs with minimal adjustments. Cardboard specifically provides enhanced durability, ensuring long-lasting protection for products during storage and transportation.

4. Biodegradable & Compostable Materials

Biodegradable plastic bottles

Biodegradable and compostable packaging, made from organic materials, naturally decomposes within a certain timeframe after disposal. Biodegradable packaging materials, unlike petroleum-based items, are designed to disintegrate and decompose quickly. However, not all biodegradable packaging is compostable, while all compostable packaging is considered biodegradable. Compostable packaging, primarily made from natural materials and renewable plastics, breaks down in a specific timeframe under controlled conditions, leaving minimal harmful chemical particles behind. It is ideal for single-use products, and can enrich the soil, improve environmental conditions, and even promote plant growth depending on the material. However, most compostable packaging must be composted in industrial composting facilities.

Some common materials include:

  • Bioplastics: Partly made from natural materials and partly from plastics, these decompose faster and generate fewer greenhouse gases. They offer comparable performance to plastic while being environmentally sustainable.
  • Water-soluble packaging: These materials dissolve upon contact with water, reducing the need for disposal and making them a great alternative to plastic wholesale packaging.
  • Starch-based packaging: Made from natural polymers found in corn and potatoes, these are highly biodegradable and recyclable. They can be molded into various shapes and offer rigid packaging solutions like bottles.
  • Cellulose film packaging: Made from cellulose, a natural polymer found in plant cell walls, these are biodegradable and an excellent plastic packaging alternative for perishable items, as they extend their shelf life.

5. Other Sustainable Options

mushrooms used for packaging

The packaging industry is continuously evolving with a transformative shift towards sustainability. Some emerging sustainable packaging options include:

  • Mushroom packaging: Mushroom packaging is an innovative packaging solution made from mycelium, which is the vegetative part of a mushroom. It is 100% biodegradable and offers protection to delicate products. Additionally, you can mold it into a variety of shapes and sizes to suit your specifications.
  • Edible packaging: Edible packaging has revolutionized the packaging industry. They are made from packaging materials that can be consumed along with the product.
  • Seaweed packaging: Seaweed-based packaging solutions are also an excellent replacement for plastic packaging. They are eco-friendly and can be made edible without any preservatives. Additionally, you can harvest seaweeds from the ocean or grow them without needing any additives like fertilizer. This makes seaweed packaging an incredibly sustainable packaging solution.
  • Bagasse packaging: This is made from the fibrous remnant of sugarcane stalks after they have been processed for juice extraction. It is renewable and biodegradable, offering an excellent plastic packaging alternative for single-use food items.

Sustainable packaging solutions can also be made from waste products creatively repurposed into unique and eco-friendly packaging designs. As such, we can expect more innovative packaging solutions that are more convenient and eco-friendly while still offering the benefits of plastic packaging.

How to Select the Right Wholesale Plastic Packaging Alternative

With so many alternatives to plastic packaging, picking the ideal solution is no easy task. Here are some strategies to use when deciding what option is right for you.

Consider Your Product and Its Needs

When selecting a sustainable packaging solution, compatibility with your product is crucial. Consider features like size, shape, weight, and fragility to determine the most suitable packaging material. Metal and glass packaging are ideal for products requiring protection from moisture or oxygen.

Poor packaging can negatively impact customer experience and potentially damage the product. Hence, ensure that your packaging complements and enhances your product, allowing it to stand out while maintaining brand consistency.

Evaluate Cost and Performance

Cost-effectiveness is an important factor in selecting your packaging solution, but it shouldn't come at the expense of quality. To achieve the best outcome, evaluate the cost and performance of your packaging. Ensure that it aligns with your business goals and customer expectations.

Assess the material costs, including price per unit, quantity, and shipping and handling fees. Also, consider the durability, quality, and appearance of the materials. Then evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and customer satisfaction of your packaging. Use metrics, surveys, or feedback to compare the performance of different packaging options. This will help you identify areas for improvement and ensure that your packaging meets the desired standards while remaining cost-effective.

Partner with Reliable Suppliers

Switching to sustainable packaging doesn't need to be complicated. Working with a dependable packaging distributor can save you valuable time and money. A good packaging partner will take your vision and transform it into a high-quality packaging solution that is exceptionally attractive and equally functional. You can expect faster turnaround times, high-quality materials, and cost-effective packaging solutions that suit your company's needs.

Addressing Sustainable Packaging Concerns

Sustainable packaging helps companies reduce their environmental impact, but transitioning to it can raise some considerations. Availability, matching demand, and cost are common concerns. Sustainable packaging solutions tend to be more expensive than traditional options due to the materials and sourcing involved.

To address these concerns, consider the total cost of ownership, not just upfront costs. Cost-benefit analysis tools can help you assess potential savings from reduced waste and disposal.

Collaborating with an experienced sustainable packaging supplier can also be valuable. They can provide insights to optimize your packaging designs, reduce material waste, and save costs. They can also source eco-friendly materials and help develop high-quality packaging solutions that meet your business needs.

The Future of Sustainable Packaging

As the world embraces eco-friendly practices and aims to mitigate the damage caused by plastic pollution, sustainable packaging has emerged as a necessary solution to reduce waste. The topic of sustainability is at the forefront of companies operating in various sectors. In response, we can expect to see significant developments in sustainable packaging solutions and a growing recycling infrastructure.

Businesses are actively exploring innovative packaging solutions that enhance product freshness, provide transparent traceability, and offer interactive consumer experiences. Implementing interactive packaging can further enhance customer engagement. Undeniably, sustainable packaging is the future, and the industry is evolving rapidly. Sustainability will remain a dominant trend in the years to come as companies prioritize environmentally conscious practices and consumers demand eco-friendly alternatives.

Start Exploring and Implementing Sustainable Alternatives

Sustainable packaging plays a vital role in protecting the environment while adding a unique aesthetic to products. This not only enhances your brand's reputation and attracts eco-conscious customers, but it also contributes to increased sales and boosts business growth.

At Paramount Global, we’ve been providing innovative packaging and supply chain solutions since 1976. Our team of experts will collaborate with you to design, optimize, and deliver packaging solutions that blend functionality and environmental responsibility. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

Hayley Chesshir
Hayley Chesshir|Communications Specialist

Hayley is a marketing professional and copywriter with a background in crafting content for a diverse range of industries. She has been writing about packaging and supply chain logistics for Paramount Global since 2022. She specializes in explaining complex topics in a clear and engaging way and is an advocate for sustainability in packaging and supply chain management.

established in 1976

For over forty years, Paramount has been delivering perfectly integrated packaging and supply chain solutions.